Files: read & write

File operations


read file line-wise

with open('example.txt') as f:

    for line in f:



or, shorter

for line in (l.strip() for l in open('example.txt')):


remove/ignore comment lines in example.txt (marked by '#')

for line in (l.strip() for l in open('example.txt') if not l.startswith('#')):


remove/ignore comment and empty lines in example.txt

for line in (l.strip() for l in open('example.txt') if not l.startswith('#') and l.strip()):


memory efficient line by line iteration (for one time use)

for line in (l.strip() for l in open('example.txt')):


converting file into a list of lines (for repeated loops over lines)

for line in [l.strip() for l in open('example.txt')]:


read entire file

filecontent =

read entire file and close immediately after block ends

with open('example.txt', 'r') as f:

    filecontent =

catch headerline separately

with open('example.txt') as f:


    for line in f:



skip header line

with open('example.txt') as f:


    for line in f:



# skip the top 5 header lines

with open('example.txt') as f:

    for i in range(5):


    for line in f:




write to file, writing 'Hello world' and newline (\n) to the file 'example.txt', file is closed automatically after 'with' block ends

with open('logfile.txt', 'w') as f:

     f.write('Hello world\n')

append to file (add text to end of file), file is closed automatically after 'with' block ends

with open('logfile.txt', 'a') as f:

     f.write('adding text to end of file')

open()-write()-close() - classic way

f = open('example.txt', 'w')

f.write('Hello world\n')

f.close() # close a file to give free any taken system resources

  'r'   read only (default)

  'w'   write only (deletes existing file with the same)

  'r+'  read and write

  'a'   open and adding (append) text to the end of an existing file

Newline \n or \r\n ?

Always use '\n' for text files, also under Windows, '\n' will be automatically converted into '\r\n' in Windows (when file is opened in normal text mode 'w', not as binary 'wb'). Platform specific string is defined in os.linesep

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